Sunday, May 10, 2009

Prospect Park station

One of the Brooklyn subway stations that's
below street level but not underground.

Since the trains run 24/7/365, I do feel a bit 
sorry for those folks who live directly above.


  1. So they really exist? I thought these were just made up for the movies!

    The second home we lived in was on a road that was sometimes busy with late night traffic after the nearby drive-in movies closed. We eventually sold it to an elderly lady who told the real estate agent she was happy to have some traffic as it would help her to know she was still alive!! At least the residents in your photo are all likewise reassured they are still alive.

  2. This is so cool!
    Alexa, I extended my photo finder give away. You made me realize a lot of people may be busy visiting their moms this weekend. Thanks!

  3. That is such a wild photo, the bottom one. It’s like the kind of image one sees when a camera is partly underwater and partly above; showing swimming fish and coral below palm trees waving amidst tropical breezes in azure skies along with wading people above. There just seems to be something off kilter.

    The whole subway thing reminded me that now, even that countercultural bastion of the West Coast, Berkeley, has put aside the bicycle as the main form of transportation and taken up, alas, the subway, which you can see here.

  4. And it being Berkeley, this is the view of the train as it leaves the station.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.