Wednesday, June 3, 2009

abc wednesday - T is for "tattoo"

Someone asked for it (Shell, I believe),
so here it is:  my one and only 
mid-life-crisis tattoo.


  1. Very interesting tattoo. I wish that I only got one. I had a teenage crisis many years ago. :-)

  2. Never had a tattoo, but there's song by The Who tr=that's suddenly in my braiin.

  3. Oh, how cool are you, Alexa!!!

    I was talking about you and your tattoo with my mum and sister just the other day. After some fantasising, we all erred on the side of the stick-ons... for now.

    The shot's lovely in B&W!

  4. I've been thinking about getting one, but I'm torn between stupidity, pain and nice! Yours looks nice though!

  5. Alexa, you are so cool in every way!
    Love this.

  6. O gosh...I don't like pain...but it makes a good T...

  7. What !! TG !!
    No comment, no "special" link for Alexa's tattoo !!
    You wouldn't be a hidden "prude", would you ?

  8. Om to you! This is the tattoo I would have if I were to get one. In the meantime, I have an Om necklace I wear every day.

  9. well done!

    Greetings from the ABC Team!

  10. I would like to get a tattoo, but I'm chicken. It's not the pain, it's whether or not I'd be allergic to the ink!

  11. Tattoo temptation has nudged me more than once, but so far hasn't taken hold. Yours looks nifty!

  12. well...if you can't have a strawberry...i guess it's okay. :)

  13. Must admit this was done on somewhat of a whim (when I left the house that day I NEVER would have thought I'd come home with a tattoo). Yes, it hurt, but after induced labor with no drugs whatsoever, I knew I could take whatever they could dish out. And I think maybe it takes some of the edginess out of having a tattoo when your fifty-something mother gets one
    (right, girls?). On the other hand, it makes me feel super edgy (or at least as edgy as someone my age can feel)!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.