Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Want My MTV!

He said, "If I have to work all night in this crummy
bodega with the pigeon poop all over the awning
and the drunks coming in for more beer and
everyone complaining because the cigs are up
to $10 a pack, then you'd better get me some

Monday, March 30, 2009

pictures at an exhibition

Our friend Bob Sievert is having a show
at the moment.  Between us, the ex and
I have three of his things (which we 
got either in trade or as a gift). 
 Wish I could afford to buy art.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

St. Patrick's Cathedral

My favorite moment in this cathedral was the wedding
of an actress (friend of a friend), who sailed down the
aisle proudly 8 months pregnant.  The child (a girl)
was born on time a month later, and named Margo
Channing (after Bette Davis' character in All About Eve).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Plaza

Things have changed a bit here, since it
was built 102 years ago, and a single room
cost a whopping $2.50 a night!  Apparently,
the Vanderbilts were the first to sign the
register.  Now, you can't even get a cup of tea
in the Palm Court for $2.50.  Even so, I still
like to come here and channel Eloise and her
turtle, Skipperdee.

Friday, March 27, 2009

skate while there's still ice

They're getting rid of it sometime in early April,
so make like Dorothy Hamill (or Scott Hamilton)
while you can.  Used to skate here when I was 4 (!),
under the watchful gaze of Prometheus.
And do (or did?) you skate?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Argosy Book Store

This place has been around since 1925.
Not exactly a discount bookstore, but
there's always the classy "bargain bin"
out front.  Sorry now that I didn't buy the
Albert Schweitzer book.  Maybe I'll go
back and see if it's still there.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fontana di Nettuno in Bologna

Speaking of pointy-topped doo-dads! I lived
here for a while, and love this outrageous fountain.
As the pope said when he heard about it, "It's good
enough for Bologna." Thought my laptop was fixed,
but when I turned it on my dock had disappeared.
My advice to anyone buying a computer: Pay for the
extended warrenty (so glad I did)!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

back in business

I hope. Went to the flagship Apple store on 5th Ave.
(where you can buy, learn, or fix anything Mac) this 
morning and wound up being there for 3 hours.
Gotta say—those kids really are geniuses, and they
went above and beyond for me today.

As a bonus, on the way out I stopped on the
glass staircase and saw a building with a
pointy-topped doo-dad on top for Shell.

Monday, March 23, 2009


No, Flushing—which is in the borough of Queens.
Used to live there and still go back to see friends
and eat the best dim sum.  Flushing was the site
of two World Fairs ('39–'40 and '64–'65) and is
home to Shea Stadium, where the Mets play.
Currently it's also known for having the largest
concentration of Asian-Americans—99% of the
Asian-Americans who live in Queens live here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

spring has sprung

At least on the windowsill in my office.  On the
other hand, this is an amaryllis, which I always
associate with Christmas—but it decided to
bloom full out on the 1st day of spring.  Nice.
[I'm not sure what you guys will get from me in
the next week.  My laptop—where my photos mostly
live—is currently fekakte (more Yiddish for Eric)
and iPhoto has gone missing (oy vey!).  Will do 
my best with what's on the desktop.]

Saturday, March 21, 2009

water towers

I've shown them before, but I'd recognize a
NYC skyline in a . . . NY minute—if it included
these things.  Love the juxtaposition between
a beautiful building and its homely water tower
up on top.  Just another layer, because you
hardly notice them from street level.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Not what I'd planned to post—but one of
my kids was here on my laptop (where
most of my pix are stored) and something
went wonky. Forced to go to another
computer, I chose to share this (hope
Suzy sees it).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

strong medicine

I've been fascinated by this shop for a long
time, but found it a little bit intimidating
and never went in. But I'm definitely going
back for some of their black seed—sounds
like the magic cure I've been seeking 
in all the wrong places.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

really fresh fish

I stood there taking photos of these fish
flipping around in this bin—until I
realized they weren't going to be alive
that much longer.  I love taking photos
of fish, dead or alive, but I don't want
to stand there and WATCH them expire!
(And yet, still an omnivore—how 'bout you?)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin go bragh!

I have not one drop of Irish blood in my
veins, but on St. Patrick's Day we're ALL
Irish! So I'll be a good sport and wear
something green. Actually, the Irish
loom rather large in NYC and we've been
celebrating for a while; there was already
a parade in Queens on the 1st, and one
on Staten Island on the 8th. At that one,
Mayor Bloomberg veered off the parade
route and visited the home of some local
residents, where he chowed down on
corned beef and cabbage and played with
their dog, Elvis. (The Manhattan parade is
still pretty political.)

Monday, March 16, 2009

light a candle

What—another birthday? 
Yup, this time it's mine.
I'd just as soon ignore them at this
point, but my friends and family
won't let me—so I might as well
go public (and enjoy all that cake!).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

and she's still cute!

This is my mother, who turned 89 this
past week. We had a little birthday
dinner last night at her favorite
restaurant.  She's a real inspiration—
the woman still works (and the place
would fall apart w/o her)!
This shot was actually taken last
Thanksgiving, which explains the
pilgrim earrings.  (They belonged to
someone dear to us all, and now my
mother wears them every year, to
keep our friend with us in spirit.)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

low overhead

(in more ways than one)
I don't know if they've been 
operating THIS way for 26 years,

but they sure don't have to worry about how they're going to
pay the rent for the shop—no small thing in this economy.
Might get a bit chilly though.

Friday, March 13, 2009

then and now

No, it's not a bakery.  Not even close.  But
once upon a time—and how cool is 
it that this antiques store 
didn't feel the need to change that?

 I don't even know what this place is called. 
I just know that I really want that horse!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Miracle on Vanderbilt Ave.

Was walking home last night when I came upon
this inspiring scene.  The guy who was walking
next to me stopped too—and like it was
choreographed, we both whipped out a camera
and snapped a shot.  Then we looked at each
other and had a good laugh.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Free Tibet

Fifty years and counting. I wonder how
many times this scene was repeated
around the world yesterday.
I've felt a connection (unexplained)
with Tibet since I was 11 or 12—about the
time the Dalai Lama was forced to flee.
I'll never forget the way I felt when I
unexpectedly found myself 
five feet from him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the Chelsea Hotel

Used to live around the corner from the Chelsea,
home at the time to, among others, Viva, whom
I knew vaguely from back when—and her daughter
Gaby Hoffman, who stood in front of the movie
theater down the block when Field of Dreams
was playing there, and told all the passersby to
go in and see "my movie."  Cute?  Obnoxious?
You decide.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sat. night at Rodeo Bar

. . . and the Lone Sharks rocked the joint until
the wee hours.  Here's my question:
How come I can barely walk and chew gum at
the same time, and my bro Chris here can do
something different with each limb—and sing—
all at the same time??  So unfair.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

barefoot in the park

Last Monday we were snowed in and
the temp was about 8°F.  Today we're
all walking around in T-shirts!  Hope
this trend continues.  I know I'm ready
for spring—how about you?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

no more pb&j?

The poor beleaguered peanut farmers showed up
yesterday at Grand Central. They were hoping that
a photo op with the friendly giant peanut would
make us forget about that whole salmonella thing.

Friday, March 6, 2009

skywatch Friday

Oh, I do love to watch the sun set over
New Jersey. Somehow, all those chemicals
that they're cooking over there really 
add to the whole effect.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Houston Street

I love this Keith Haring mural—
it just brightens up the whole
neighborhood. I like our prez
peeking out on the right too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Farewell to the Casbah

This is Gates of Morocco, one of my fave stores.
Or it was—it closed recently.  The owners had been 
paying the rent out of their pocket for a while.
It still exists on the Internet, but like I told them: 
Coming into this place was almost like stepping into 
the souk in Marrakesh or Tangier.  It's just not the 
same online (I hate this ^&$#* economy).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

my secret restaurant

Here's what I love about this Vietnamese/Chinese
place: You know it's a good sign when every time
you're there, you're invariably the only Caucasian
in the joint.  There IS a menu, but you can also
just describe what you want and they'll make it
for you.  (And no—call me a big meanie, but I'm not
telling you the name of this place. Maybe later.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

the final tally

Here's an addendum to Eric's 2/22 post:
My cousin Kay just got back from Paris, where
she took this shot of part of the 6-hour line
to get in and see YSL and PB's gorgeous
collection.  Apparently they made close to
$500,000,000 for Aids research.  Must have
been hard for Pierre to let go of some of those
things—but what generosity!
I think YSL would be very pleased.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

my dream job

I know—at first glance, this doesn't seems like
the best gig ever. But wait— this is Rice to Riches.

If I worked here, I'd never have to spend
a dime on food ever again. All the customers
would be in a good mood. I'd be on the cutting
edge of . . . rice pudding!