Saturday, March 7, 2009

no more pb&j?

The poor beleaguered peanut farmers showed up
yesterday at Grand Central. They were hoping that
a photo op with the friendly giant peanut would
make us forget about that whole salmonella thing.


  1. Talk about preternatural, as I sit here I am eating peanut butter on rice cakes. It should be OK. The brand looks like it's a small local operation by a kindly married couple. On the right coast can you get "Sam & Ella" peanut butter?

  2. LOL both of you!

    And this morning I mentioned Nutsville on your Skywatch post. Lo and behold, here it is. We're on a nananoonoo roll.

    {By unfortunate coincidence, our gorgeous cat is called Ella. I'd never name poopy peanut paste after her.}

  3. Shell, I have an acquaintance named Gerald who has a feline pet that can sing in a kind of jazzy style using nonsense syllables. If your cat successfully performed a duet we could say, "Ella fits Gerald's cat singing."

  4. Oh, TG, that's awesome! Both your comment and your link. I've bookmarked it. Love her 'drum solos' {and everything else!}. Talk about cool cats. She is one of the coolest.

    We did name Ella after her, by the way. Not because she can sing like Gerald or Ella {malheureusement}. I named my black {female} cat before her Count Basie and this time, we figured we'd be conventional and give a girl's name. She's a black British shorthair and as quiet as a m.o.u.s.e. She comes up with only a strange squeak once or twice a day at most. But she loves listening to jazz.

  5. Gorgeous ... not quite her but a very good stab in the dark. Take a quick look at my blog - I'll leave her up just long enough for you to check her out. I put the usual watermark on but feel free to save the pic for yourself. She makes a pretty screensaver!

  6. Sorry, Alexa, I just re-read that. I meant 'yourselves', of course ~ both you and TG.

  7. You guys are endlessly entertaining!
    Sorry I've been busy busy busy and perhaps not expressing my appreciation for your links and laughs—but it's there, trust me.

    Shell -- Funny you should mention "poopy peanut paste." One of my daughter Lila's college roommates hates tunafish, so now we all refer to anything slightly gross as "poopy tuna."

    TG -- I don't think we have Sam & Ella peanut butter here, but for me that evokes Sam Spade and—yes—Ella and her cat! In my next life I plan to have a voice just like hers (Ella, not her cat).

  8. Shell: Got it! What a cutie-pie.

    Alexa: I'm sure there are those who have been driven to distraction at the pleasure your voice as it is affords. Except maybe when you were yelling at your kids, "Eat your dinner right now! I don't care if you do think it's poopy tuna. If it's good enough for Eric Tenin, this is good enough for you."

  9. Thank you, TG! I love the way we cat nuts puff up with pride, as if our kitties are the fine result of our own gene pools.

    "Poopy tuna." Love it, Alexa!

    TG, aargh! The meal in your photo looks like something from the independent budget release, "The Other Godfather."


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.