Sunday, March 1, 2009

my dream job

I know—at first glance, this doesn't seems like
the best gig ever. But wait— this is Rice to Riches.

If I worked here, I'd never have to spend
a dime on food ever again. All the customers
would be in a good mood. I'd be on the cutting
edge of . . . rice pudding!


  1. The job may not offer any advancement but it certainly has more future than people with MBAs have.

    In today's economic climate it looks so ideal that it makes me think of the old saw, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is." I have my suspicions that the want ad is just the bait in a a trap to help rid the streets of unemployed poor people. What do I base that suspicion on? The small sign revealing the true business operating behind that door. The sign that says: Star Rubbish Removal Corp.

  2. Alexa, that has to be the funniest help wanted sign I've seen! Is it real?

    Their rice pudding names are equally imaginative. Nice to see they are putting those degrees to some kind of work. 'Sex Drugs and Rocky Road' or 'Play It Again Butter Pecan' tie as my favourites, though I'm guessing TG could come up with ones to rival them.

  3. I knew that wouldn't get past you, TG!
    Shell -- this is a business with a great
    sense of humor. That's not the only
    LOL sign they've posted.

  4. I just checked out the link Alexa kindly included and noticed that they have an updated flavor tailor made for people renting for extended periods of time converted apartments near former White House residents. The cool thing is that, along with regular eating utensils, it comes with a boomerang shaped knife for throwing and stabbing your own people in the back. The flavor is called Condo-Leaser Rice (Pudding).

  5. I'm tellin' you— these people are really clever! And you know I kept my boomerang spoon.

  6. This is honest advertising! Some people who apply for jobs are not forewarned. And I agree about the rice pudding---may make some tonight....

  7. Yes, bibi, I took a job once where I was led to believe that I would be working for an actual human being! Boy, did I feel foolish and naive when I soon discovered that my boss was actually from the planet of Uranastynutjob.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.