Wednesday, March 18, 2009

really fresh fish

I stood there taking photos of these fish
flipping around in this bin—until I
realized they weren't going to be alive
that much longer.  I love taking photos
of fish, dead or alive, but I don't want
to stand there and WATCH them expire!
(And yet, still an omnivore—how 'bout you?)


  1. Just had some wild caught red snapper.

    Ages ago I ticked off my late older brother something fierce (nothing unusual there). He caught a fish on a family camping trip on the Russian River (in California, not a former Soviet Republic). I was eager to help him get it off the hook then immediately tossed it back in the river. "What did you do that for?!" He didn't get it.

    A few years less than ages ago I joined a high-school buddy and his father on a hunting trip. We found a pond from which we would quickly pull out as many catfish as there were hooks on the line. I won't tell you how catfish are skinned (it partly has to do with pliers). I have never eaten more delicious fried fish

    These days, by far, my favorite way of interacting with fish is purely visual.

  2. Yes, I know what you mean. I kind of like to think my fish just sort of slipped peacefully over to the other side before it landed on my plate. I don't eat much meat though.

  3. My hubby kindly gets our fish off the fish tree out the back ... the same way he kindly gets the meat off the meat tree out the back. I'm in my happy place. Denial is a wonderful thing.

  4. I wanted to show Shell my own fish tree but since it is now ripe with "fruit" I got discombobulated and dropped my camera when aggressive birds of prey dive bombed me. When I picked the camera up again and took the photo it must have been upside down.

  5. Whoa! If I ever have a house with a yard, I am planting a fish tree for sure! Just like yours, TG—but can it grow salmon, please?

    What a nice hub you have, Shell.

  6. Ah, discombobulated is one of my all-time favourite words.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.