Sunday, March 8, 2009

barefoot in the park

Last Monday we were snowed in and
the temp was about 8°F.  Today we're
all walking around in T-shirts!  Hope
this trend continues.  I know I'm ready
for spring—how about you?


  1. Oh, enjoy, Alexa! I love autumn and spring. Autumn has just started here. Such a relief to feel the temps starting to ease off. The poor fire fighters down south should rest a bit easier soon.

  2. First this. Then this. Now we have the 2009 version taken by Alexa. Forget the musical revelry, or baguette and jug of wine. To fit in appropriately with our own age it looks like it might be titled "Cell Phone on the Grass."

  3. Shell -- glad to hear what you say about the firefighters. They're in my thoughts still. Hope you enjoy your autumn as much as I will our spring --

    TG -- my cousin is here with me and she says to tell you she's that well-fed lady on the left in your first link (her little joke, but I'm flattered by the comparison). I wonder—can you use "cell phone" and "splendor" in the same sentence?

  4. Your cousin wears a bed sheet splendidly.

    The only difference between cell phones today and the one "Deanie" left in the glove compartment here is the ring tone. It's a bit muffled but if you listen carefully you can barely make out the buzzing strain of "J'ai Deux Amours." She was a big Josephine Baker fan.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.