Friday, December 31, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Happy New Year from the Big Apple!  No Times Square, 
but here's the one building that says "New York" more 
than any other.  All the best to my wonderful
 blog pals—those I've met, those I've yet to meet, 
and everyone who passes by here.
Hope that 2011 is a wonderful year for us all!

[See more skies from around the world here.]

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday Challenge — "lights"

Beaucoup de lumiere here at Sacré Coeur, in Paris.
They just seem to go on forever, n'est-ce pas?

[See more lights here.]

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

abc wednesday - X is for "Xmas"

Does Brooklyn know how to decorate?  Fuggedaboutit!  
This is our main downtown shopping street, seriously 
decked out for the season.  There are some who feel 
that "Xmas" is not—shall we say—correct.  
I'd point out (as Wikipedia says) that: The "-mas" part is from 
the Latin-derived Old English word for "mass", while the "X" comes from the 
Greek letter Chiwhich is the first letter of the Greek 
word Χριστός, translated as "Christ."  Seems okay to me.

[See more ABC Wednesday here.]

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

That's My World

Went for a little walk (more like a trudge—through 3- and 4-foot drifts)
around the neighborhood.  Took me an hour to cover a distance 

that normally takes about 10 minutes. The cars that weren't buried
were either abandoned in the middle of the street or stuck! 

Love the sign in the photo at bottom right: Keep Intersection Clear.
Snowshoes (and ski poles) were definitely the best way to get around today.

[See more of the world here.]

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Mentioned this little ornament (which I've had for
a looong time) in a post last year (and it's still my fave).
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas—and a nice Boxing Day!

[See more Mellow Yellow here.]

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

 Do you know what you're wearing on New Year's Eve?
(Confession: I'd wear pj's if I could!)  If not, here are
some suggestions compliments of Macy's.

[See more Shadow Shots here.]

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Photo Hunt — "circle"

Had to be this kind of circle—it's Christmas!  I have a friend who goes 
over the top for the holidays, with a vast nutcracker collection 
and multiple trees.  This one looks like it's been out in a blizzard
 (and gets all the glittery ornaments)—beautiful!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas!

This big tree stands in front of the house where daughter Lila lives.
The owners (our good friends) LOVE to decorate for the holidays
and the tree is wrapped in lights as well—very festive.
(Of course, it all stays up there year-round!)

[See more Skywatch (or post your own)  here.]

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday Challenge — "toys"

Doesn't everyone have toys in their office?  Well, if
you work at a magazine devoted to little kids
and their parents, you probably do!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

abc wednesday - W is for "window"

This colorful window is in the Doge's palace, way up top.
Could I have one just like it in my house, please?
On the other hand . . .

Casanova could see two of them from 
his cell when he was a "guest" of 
the doge.  Do you suppose he 
appreciated their beauty?

[You can see more ABC Wednesday here]. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

That's My World

 New York is all decked out for the season!  This is just
one of the smaller stores on Fifth Avenue.

[See more of the world here.]

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

In Florence, it can be treacherous walking out of the city proper.
The roads are narrow, winding, and most have no sidewalks.
These mirrors come in handy for checking around a blind curve
for a large, fast-moving vehicle—and while you're at it
you might want to mutter a little prayer as well!

[See more Mellow Yellow here.]

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Snuck this pic of the little putto
—and its shadow—
 in the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence.

[You can see more Shadow Shots here.]

Saturday, December 18, 2010

photo Hunt — "male"

Yes, it's the ex—enjoying the view from the campanile
in Venice.  He's here because today is his birthday
(and he's a male)—Happy B-day, Steve!

[See more "males" here, at tnchick's meme.]

Friday, December 17, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The setting sun was briefly reflected
in these beautiful Roman streetlamps.
I shot this from the Capitoline Museum.

[You can see more Skywatch (or add your own) here.]

Thursday, December 16, 2010

thursday Challenge — "food"

I have dozens of pix of food: raw, cooked, fancy, plain. 
There are fruits and veggies from markets around the world, 
ditto restaurant meals from 3-star to diner.  Too hard to choose!  
But I realized that a lot of the very best things I've ever 
eaten were that good because the chef didn't skimp on . . . butter!  
So I've chosen this essential ingredient—accept no substitutes 
(and get the good stuff for your own cooking).

[You can see more "food" here.]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

abc wednesday - V is for "Venice"

The challenge—choose one image that 
says "Venice" to me.  Have to say, 
this comes close:  The campanile of San Marco, 
reflected in the aqua alta that flooded
Piazza San Marco each day I was there last month.

[See more abc wednesday /here.] 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Venezia . . . mezzanotte

My favorite campo in Venice: Campo Santa Margherita, where
 the students hang out—and the place that stays awake (this shot was
taken around midnight) while the rest of this early-to-bed city sleeps.
Your drink (usually a spritz) is served in a plastic cup,
so you can take it outside the minuscule (as most are) bar.

And here's my friend Pierre, from
Venice Daily Photo, who was 
ordering me a spritz a l'Aperol at Caffé 
when I took this shot.  I was so happy to 
finally meet this gregarious blogger—and his 
beautiful and charming girlfriend, Isabelle!

[I'm linking this post to That's My World Tuesday.
See more of the world here.]

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

In Venice in winter, you find color where you can: 
 I found it in the saturated hue of this stuccoed 
wall and in the vibrant yellow of the 
daisies in the window box.

[See more Mellow Yellow here.]

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Been wanting to come to this place—Da Romano, 
on Burano—for years.  It's famous for its fish risotto, 
so much so that Tony Bourdain devoted part of 
the recent Venice episode of his show to this 
dish at this restaurant.  Word on the Web was mixed, 
but the service was perfect and the risotto was 
still excellent.  Hope they continue to keep it up!

[You can see lots more Sunday Shadows here at Harriet's fun meme.]

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Photo Hunt — "funny"

Venetians have a great sense of humor.  
This is the statue of  Niccolo Tommaseo,
 in Campo Santo Stefano.  The locals 
like to refer to him as "Cagalibri," the
book pooper (gee, I wonder why).

[See more "funny" stuff here at tnchick's meme.]

Friday, December 10, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Rome—and the Victor Emmanuel monument, commonly
referred to as "the wedding cake."  Bit of a challenge
crossing the street anywhere near this place.

[See more Skywatch here.]

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday Challenge — "construction"

When this campanile—of the church of San Martino, 
on Burano—was constructed, they apparently didn't allow 
for the marshy land.  Oops, and yet it still stands.  
They're working on the belltower of San Marco, in Venice
(which doesn't even look like it's leaning and we're 
still allowed to go up into it), so I have to wonder 
if there are any plans to "straighten" this one.

[You can see more "construction" here.]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

abc wednesday - U is for "under water"

In all the years I've been going to Venice, my recent visit was the first time
I've encountered aqua alta.  The sirens sounded, the passarelle (those
not-quite-wide-enough walkways) were up, Piazza San Marco was
inundated every day, and the poor pups were totally flummoxed.

[You can see more "U" posts here.]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

That's My World Tuesday

Pick a title:
1.   I'm so over the '80s.
2.   I finally got a real life!
3.   What was I thinking?
4.   This band was the best, but my
       girlfriend is moving in and she
       just wouldn't understand.
5.   [Your choice]

{See more of the world here.}

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Took this from up on the Gianicolo (the Janiculum) hill,
looking down on Trastevere.  From street level, it's 
one of the most picturesque neighborhoods in Rome.  
From up here, what stands out are all those satellite dishes!

[See more Mellow Yellow here.]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

I've seen glassblowers at work, but I still can't imagine how
this oversized statue—on Murano, of course—was made.

[You can see more Shadow Shots here.]

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Photo Hunt — "hard to find"

These long-stemmed beauties are all but impossible to find even
here in NYC—but easy to locate at the Rialto Market, in Venice.
And the price is right, too—at 10 for 4 euros (about $5.25).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Skywatch Friday

This lovely corkscrew lantern belongs to the 
church of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza.  The church was 
designed by Borromini and begun in the 14th century 
as the chapel of the University of Rome
 (known as "La Sapienza").

[You can see more Skywatch here.]

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday Challenge — "brown"

This, so they claim, is part of the robe and belt
worn by Saint Francis of Assisi.  It's now displayed
in the Santa Croce church in Florence.
(Who hung onto this garment?  How did they know?)

[See more "brown—or add your own— here.]

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

abc wednesday - T is for "Trastevere"

. . . the Roman neighborhood where you 
can walk down a colorful back street 
and encounter—no one.

[Find more "T" words here at ABC Wednesday.]