Wednesday, August 26, 2009

abc wednesday - F is for "flea market"

This one's the Marché aux Puces,
in Paris.  Back in the sixties I found
some incredible bargains here.
My best buy?  After some serious
haggling, I snagged a 19th-century
purple velvet cape for 50 francs ($10).
Think those days are long gone, but
it's still fun to look.

[Go here for more abc wednesday shots.]


  1. what a great shot Alexa!
    A 19th Century purple velvet cape???? & do you still have it??? That is an AMAZING find alright!
    ...& I still love to look too.

  2. Lily -- I do still have it. It's in my trunk, aka treasure chest, sprinkled with white pepper to keep it safe from any critters that might like to nibble on antique velvet.

  3. A place I know only too well---I used to haunt the Marche aux Puces at Clignancourt, and always regret not having bought one of those French policeman's capes when the city changed their uniforms...

    Your cape's in your tresasure chest??? We want to see it!! On you!

  4. Thank you, thank you for posting this one, Alexa! Visiting the Marché aux Puces and brocantes in France is on my list, though as you say, the days of snaffling bargains such as yours are most likely over. I can think of someone who would seriously pine over your velvet cape...

    White pepper, hey? I'll remember that!

  5. I used to haunt that place too when I was living in Paris, the first place in my life where I tried to "marchander" (haggle ?)which I am very bad at !!!
    Now I've moved 50 kms South and I hardly ever go and spend the day in Paris like I just did today !! Isn't it a shame ? Every time I come back, I wonder why I don't do it more often !!!

  6. Do show us your purple cape! It sounds divine.

    I have yet to visit the Marché aux Puces. Ladies, we need to meet in Paris and so some shopping. Afterward we can sip champagne and nibble on macarons.

    Shell: lol!

  7. Me again: that should read "do some shopping." I got carried away by the idea and couldn't spell.

  8. Merci, mesdames! I learned the white pepper trick from an ancient British nanny.
    How fantastic would that be if we all could meet in Paris for flea-marketing and macarons?
    At work today, I just got a bound galley of David Lebovitz's new book "Living the Sweet Life in Paris: Adventures of an American Pastry Chef." Pictured on the cover—macarons in all flavors and colors! Must go now and start reading (and drooling).

  9. Now that's another fine idea, Cali!!

    Hey Alexa, if you grow tired of that bound galley ...

  10. Shell -- e-mail me your address. When I finish it, who knows?


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.