Saturday, August 27, 2011

Photo Hunt—"symbolic"

In Florence, this Agnus Dei symbol flies high
above the Orsanmichele, once a grain market,
then a church, and now also a museum.

[To see more symbols, visit tnchick's meme.]


  1. I hope you and yours come through the impending hurricane safe and sound. I was going to say, “Hang in there,” but not this way.

    Thank you for the informational link. It is succinct and has visual appeal.

    Your symbolic image of a Florentine lamb has me craving a kind of Lamb Florentine with ingredients such as Lamb Chop with Sherry (sp?). It’s just the best! “Heavenly,” even? You put the words right in my mouth.

  2. Likewise, I'm sending my love to you and yours, Alexa.

    This silhouette is gorgeous against the blue, blue sky.

  3. I love finding signs like this, so medieval. Nowadays sometimes they even put up the name of the shop or whatever, too, like this one, but I wish they wouldn't.

  4. Beautiful!! and I too hope you stay safe.


  5. The silhouette image is very impressive indeed. Love the blue sky in the background too. :)

  6. A very shapely symbol that looks quite dramatic against the blue sky!

  7. Beautiful shot. I like how you can find similar symbols on towers throughout Tuscany - I wish I knew more about the history behind each.

    Have a good weekend.

  8. Let us now how you faced Irene and hope you all go through this without damage!!

  9. I hope it won't fall on someones head !


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.