Saturday, August 20, 2011

An unpretentious little white

Went to a wine-tasting in Soho, where they also served de-lish 
made-right-in-front-of-you Italian food with each wine.  I actually 
learned something (and yet still buy the stuff in the box—go figure).
[If you want to see more "drinks," or play along, visit tnchick's meme.] 


  1. If I may say so, it looks anything but. Do tell, what was it? Buttery, oaked California Chardonnay? Bordeaux white? Distinctive Gewurtztraminer? Burgundian Corton Charlemagne? Anything Alsace: Riesling; Pinot Gris? My old standby? Or my daily drinking sweet white here (ha ha).

    Those reflections in the glasses and colors made me think the server must be attired in a manner similar to this. I kid you not.

  2. TG -- you crack me up. And, yes, I got the (private) joke on my "E is for escargot" post.
    To answer your question: Who knows? I was slightly tipsy already (and we hadn't even gotten to the reds).

  3. Tipsy? I’m usually OK during a wine tasting itself but on the way home I can find myself getting somewhat contemplative.

    It might be a good thing you took that photo early on in the wine tasting. Had you waited a bit, who knows?

  4. We have a Soho in Hong Kong too -- though here, Soho stands for South of Hollywood Road (as opposed to New York's Houston Street)! :b

  5. I live 30 minutes from both sonoma and napa valleys and we do occasional wine tasting too. But I much preferred red, that's my color.

  6. Excellent photo. I would not have been able to take one of such quality at the end of one!

  7. By “inside” joke are you perchance referring to something such as this and this?

  8. Another photo taken later in the evening?

  9. Love the colors and reflections...

  10. Well, since I am not going to "take the veil" I'll join you at this event any day! Tall Gary is pretty funny too!

    You get a list of the wines served with the host's comments so you will know later which ones you liked - hahahahaha!

    (been there, done that!)



Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.