Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Traveling Tuesdays

Not traveling too far this week—just to the end of 
Long Island (about 100 miles east of NYC).
Unfortunately, my long weekend here was
preempted by Hurricane Irene.  We've had an
interesting time this past year: a blizzard, two
tornados (at once, and they both came down
my block!), and lately, in less than a week 

an earthquake and a hurricane. Yikes!

[To see more Tuesday travels, visit  Sandi's blog.]


  1. That view might be more appealing to a certain family member of yours with one minor inclusion.

  2. It seems to be a pleasant place to spend the weekend though.
    As for Irene, "plus de peur que de mal", heureusement !

  3. Awesome!
    I hope Irene left things just as she found them :-)

  4. You live in a baaad neighborhood! Reminds me of Marianne's story--lived through the NATO bombing here, moves to the US in September and was there in NYC on Sept. 11th, then a bit later an airplane fell on Queens. One of her brothers called from Chicago to joke, 'Please don't come to visit...; Ha. Aside from that, your photo look so inviting...

  5. Beautiful spot and beautiful pictures, but gosh, 100 miles is not what we call next block where I live:-)

  6. So, it's you who is causing the weather upheaval?! :-)

  7. Here's hoping this coming weekend has peaceful weather!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.