Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Challenge — "garden"

This is La Pietra, NYU's property in Florence.
If I were going to study abroad, this is where
I'd want to do it—and my daughter Lila did.

(I took this pre-digital when I visited her there.)
It was truly the best of both worlds: housing was in
a 14th-century villa (but with modern plumbing),
and she could step out of this Renaissance garden setting 

and take a short bus ride or walk to the center of town.
Apparently, 12 years later, I'm still envious!
[To see more from the Thursday Photo Challenge, go here.]


  1. It's an amazing photograph. So nice. wow.

  2. I can understand the envy. :)
    Lovely capture.

  3. Wow, lucky Lila!!

    I'm envious too, but also realize I would have flunked out if I'd been in such a school. Too many lovely and fascinating distractions! Just like your photo (see, I should be doing chores right now!) ;-)

  4. That really is something different than the usual housingblocks with nothing more then some laws and the occasional tree. Should be a very nice environment to be studying.

  5. Oh my! I do hope that they use a photo taken in spring like your lovely shot here as part of the promotion for this program. This is a stunning scene and what a wonderful place for study.


  6. Oh, wow, look at that wisteria. I love this garden.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.