Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It won't be long now

. . . before this boatyard down on the
Jersey Shore will be up and running
for the season and boats will be tied
up cheek by jowl.  To tell you the truth,
I rather like it this way.


  1. See, this is why I love coming here and learning things. I know so little about the East Coast that at first glance I assumed the river water was so caustic that the hulls of the other boats here dissolved and sank. I can be such a dummy sometimes.

  2. Yes, the things you show us, Alexa. {You cheeky thing, TG!} This is really pretty. Venice Daily Photo was showing just above your post in my reader and when I first glanced and saw those long poles reflecting in the water, I thought yours was the Venice pic!

  3. I like the harbor better this way, too. That's why, if I can help it, I much prefer to travel in low season.

  4. I honestly didn’t mean to be snarky, Shell. It’s just that I think of that area in these terms too much. So it really is eye opening to see bucolia.

  5. Ah, TG—wait 'til you see my version of the Bronx!

  6. [I'd never think you're snarky, Tall Gary! Cheeky, yes; tongue-in-cheeky, yes; but never snarky.}

  7. “Tongue-in-cheeky.” I like it Shell.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.