Wednesday, April 15, 2009

abc wednesday — M is for mountains

Alps, actually. Took this from the plane
(obviously) on the way from Paris to
Venice.  Who knew they were so blue?


  1. It's spectacular, Alexa! A bit like looking at clouds - I think I can see a turtle...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. TG -- how do you DO that? Strangely enough, I was initially torn between mountains and meow (picture of my cat Buddy—cute kitty, not awesome Alps).
    And Shell -- I CAN see the turtle.

  4. Alphacat Wednesday — M is for Meowtain.

    Shell: My eyes are failing me as to the snow patterns but I dropped down to take a closer look at the clouds. I think you are right.

    You know, Alexa, I was just thinking how it would be impossible for me to have taken this picture. In a window seat it’s so hard for me to aim a camera while my right knee is shattering my Adam’s apple and the toe of my left shoe is halfway up a nostril. There are just times when the advantage is all yours and your less than Amazonian stature.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, I deleted the comment way up there because of a run-on line that doesn't appear until after posting due to a lack of a period. (The comment just above was punctuationally embarrassing.)

  7. Oh, can you find an excuse to show us Buddy sometime soon, Alexa? I'm excited that you could see the turtle too!

    TG, that's a gorgeous Bengal bundle, thank you, and I understand your desire to copy edit so that Alexa doesn't have kittens.

  8. I love seeing ice and mountains from a plane! So blue, as you say, and so pure looking!

  9. Is it a sea turtle with large front flippers?

    Or is it one of these guys that gazing upon one can imagine as a mountain?

    Me give Alexa kittens, Shell? I’d rather kick it up a notch and give her kitten mittens.

  10. TG -- no, seriously . . . turtle mountains and kitten mittens and run-on lines, oh my! You could never give me kittens with less than perfect grammar. I AM definitely anal (hey, punctuation counts) but not (I hope) judgmental. You're right about stature (rather, lack of) being an advantage in certain situations—rarely in a theater, but almost always in a flying sardine can, as Shell can no doubt attest. But, surely, you just automatically get the aisle seat in the emergency-exit row?

  11. It’s literally painful to admit, Alexa, but not always. On my last return from Paris I suspect that I disturbed the person in front of me by stretching my legs out between their feet.

    Hmm. I just thought of more pleasant circumstances under which to do such a thing. Shame on me. Ha ha.

  12. great shot and amazing view of the Alps. i also posted some aerial photos( quite similar looking wing of the plane) in my blog.

  13. TG -- oh no! I just hope that the person in front of you on your last return from Paris was indeed a woman—in which case she might not have minded being "disturbed." As for the rest: ;~D

    Vicky -- your aerial shots are gorgeous!

  14. Cute mittens! Have you been shopping on etsy again, TG?

    Yes, Alexa, even though I don't travel much, I'm ever so grateful for my smallish stature when crammed into plane seats. TG, I just have no clue how you can bear it at all! {Aside from your aforementioned positions which sound quite entertaining.}


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.