Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stendhal Syndrome . . .

. . . is what you get when you look at too
much art. Here's a better explanation.
We're going to risk it today by hitting the Uffizi
in the morning and the Accademia (to visit
Michelangelo's fave boy-toy) late afternoon.
Will try to ward off any ill effects from so much
gorgeous art by concentrating on fabulous 
food and vino in between.


  1. Fantastic title! I had forgotten about Stendhal's art abnormality. I can hear it now, "So, how was your vacation? I got the fantods looking at all the art!" My heart breaks.
    Speaking of titles, I'm now in mourning because my Cubs just lost again in the post season to Joe Torre's LA Dodgers! There has got to be a syndrome for getting swept in three. Hey, but you have a great day. ;-)

  2. Well that sure took me on a long Wikipedia browse! I wound up on a BBC article about common mistakes of etiquette made by British visitors to France. I'm sure I would make many of the same.

    As for art and architecture, I welcome any opportunity to be overwhelmed. Bring it on.

  3. whenever I go to the MET, I purposely keep my visits brief to avoid sensory overload or I'll pace myself by hanging out in the roof garden in between the different galleries.
    Your David photo is pretty amazing.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.