Sunday, July 26, 2009


Just discovered Harriet's shadow shot Sunday
perfect because I love them. 
 Thanks, Harriet!
This one's pretty much self-explanatory.


  1. That's a super photo! Thanks ever so much for joining in Shadow Shot Sunday! Great to have you playing along :)

  2. Oooh, I love the vivid shadow against the whizzing-past runway. And Alexa, since you had the camera on anyway, in for a penny, in for a pound! {I'll still bring you oranges.}

  3. And they're shot, good to have you playing along...and so the addiction begins...ha!

  4. Out on the tarmac
    whirring propellers slow down
    until they are still.

    My Shadow Shots

  5. Quand as-tu eu l'occasion de prendre un avion à hélices ? Désolée pour le français, dimanche après le repas, un petit coup de flemme !!!

  6. it's definitely an addiction Alexa and you are off to a great start! This is neat. Happy shadow shot sunday!

  7. Tracy -- you're welcome, and thank YOU!
    Shell -- this one was actually taken before I knew it was a no-no—but since we all know I won't stop now that I do, keep those oranges handy :~}
    Sweet Repose -- but what a fun addiction.
    MMT -- how poetic—thanks.
    Marylene -- quand je vais a Virginie, c'est presque toujours dans un avion a hélices. Je prefere, en fait—je crois qu'ils ont moins de problemes que des jets.
    btw, un coup de flemme: perfectly normal on Sunday!

  8. lily -- yes, it is—and I love shadow shot!

  9. Great shadow shot! I'm so glad you have decided to join the fun! :-)

  10. Welcome to SSS and your shot is fabulous, indeed!

    Have a great Sunday...

  11. Welcome to SSS but there is a WARNING: it's addictive!!!!

  12. What a great shadow shot! And so glad you're joining us! So much fun every week. Find myself looking at everything in a different "shadow" light!

  13. AMAZING eye for this one! I can feel the movement and the landing as I look at this shot!!

  14. You're all so right about the addiction! I went to a museum and garden today, and spent most of the time looking for shadow shots (found some good ones too)!

  15. I like theme posts as I think it really brings out the creativity of the photographer. I wonder if you have any shadow shots of Keith Richards? ;)

    Word ver: headv. Lol!

  16. nice shot...welcome to sss...look forward to seeing more shadows from you.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.