Sunday, December 13, 2009

shadow Shot Sunday

One of Lord and Taylor's wonderful holiday
windows—everything moves—features
scenes from "The Nutcracker."  Makes me
realize that I haven't been to a performance
of this classic since my kids were little and I took 
them to see their friends who were in
the American Ballet Theater version at City Center.

[See more Shadow Shots here.]


  1. A terrific shadow shot and great memories as well! It was a performance I took my kids to when it was put on in the town where we lived in Montana! Amazing, huh???

    Have a lovely holiday season!


  2. Is that seriously a window display? It's very impressive! I enjoy looking at the Christmas shop windows but I've yet to see anything as nice as that around the stores I visit. A lovely festive shadow shot!

  3. This took me back to being little-er and driving down to Brisbane {before living here} to look at the Christmas displays in the old Myer windows ~ it seemed so magical!

  4. “Nutcracker” ballet—
    when soldiers dance, we know
    peace still has a chance.

    My Shadow Shot

  5. Greta photo Alexa! It looks like a painting when enlarged.

  6. I wonder which L and T that is! Lovely, festive window that raises memories!

  7. great window

    I haven't seen the Nutcracker in years either
    since I took my son

  8. A wonderful selection, Alexa. It is nice to see window displays as we don't have anything like that around these parts!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.