Thursday, September 10, 2009

Evening Tide

That's the name of this hardworking
little tugboat. For a while when I was
a kid I fantasized about working on a
tug. These days I fantasize about living
on a tug that's been renovated and is
now a fabulous houseboat—moored
on the quai de la Tournelle, in Paris
(as long as we're fantasizing, might
as well just go for it!).


  1. I like your current fantasy very much!
    & this photo is fabulous Alexa. Love the bright red against the soft colors of the background. so pretty.

  2. I'm with you for the renovated tugboat thing, Paris and all. Tugboats are so New York for me, right along with hot dogs on the street.

  3. Alexa, your photo whisked me straight back to Scuffy the Tugboat! Not that you could renovate and live on him - a wee bit tiny, I suspect. That's a beautiful fantasy of yours.

  4. My fantasy would be to visit your tugboat in Paris! LOL.

  5. I love the name "Evening Tide", it reminds me of the title of a painting. I love how you paint the image of living in Paris on a tugboat. I have a similar dream, but it's in an artist garrett on the Left Bank, Right Bank or even in the middle. Lol

    Ahhh Paris.

    Think Irma La Douce
    minus the shady lady. Lol.

    A starving artist can dream. mdr

    Mdr: mort de rire {literally, died laughing; used in chat settings in a manner similar to the English lol}.

  6. Shell -- I remember that little book!
    And you are all welcome to come stay on my "remorqueur" in Paris.

  7. Velia Paints -- thanks for stopping by. We share a LOT of interests in common, most especially "writing and all things French." I like MDR so much more than LOL. Merci for that, and you're invited to visit the Paris tugboat too!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.