Tuesday, August 17, 2010

That's My World Tuesday

What a nice way to spend part of a gorgeous
Sunday in New York! You can catch this
schooner at South Street Seaport and sail
around the harbor for a while. Or you can
do what I did and catch the free ferry over
to Governor's Island, rent a bike, and toodle
around, stopping to take pictures like this.

[See more of the world here.]


  1. What a wonderful photo. I think I would retire if I had captured that!

  2. Another fascinating window into a world I know nothing of.

    Thanks to your link we can see that The Smothers Brothers were born on this island.

  3. Missed Governor's Island last time; one more thing to do next time. Definitely worth the great photos.

  4. I"m coming to NYC one of these days and see YOU!

  5. Thanks, all!
    TG -- trust you to find the most interesting thing about the island.
    Virginia -- I sincerely hope so. (Then let's get on a plane and go to you-know-where!)

  6. I love the juxtaposition ~ almost like someone's just found their way back from the Bermuda Triangle!

  7. I want to drink rum and say, "Arrrrrrgh, arrrrrrgh!" Why is that...


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.