Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Hey, where is everyone? It's been pretty
hot here lately—I guess they're all inside
in the air-conditioning!

[You can see more Shadow Shots here.]


  1. great shadow shots, I guess everyone was keeping cool

  2. Not too many people would want to sit on those benches that have been baking in the hot sun. Oh, wait. Here is someone that gave it try, but just for a couple of seconds, then got up and walked away.

  3. Great shot ! Just looking at those little shadows under the benches I can feel the sun burning right on top of my head !! Great one too, TG.
    Nice Sunday !!!

  4. Nice lines. Were we in this park in Brooklyn? Looks familiar!

    My WV is 'laser'....another line.

  5. Nice one! It must be too hot for everybody. Sitting in the sun on those benches would be very appealing to me. But hey it is winter here! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  6. Wonderful capture! Such interesting geometric patterns, and great shadows!
    Sort of mysterious, too.

    Happy Sunday! from Joy @ Joysweb

  7. OOH! I very much like the curve of the benches and their shadows.

  8. Thanks, all!
    TG -- Very funny! (I guess she told a whopper too.)
    Bibi -- no, that was the Promenade (but, really, one Bklyn bench looks pretty much like another).

  9. Re Bibi's comment,I thought we might have been near those benches too! This looks like a lovely place to hang out & take pictures Alexa.

  10. I love the Angle and Symmetry of this photo!!! Nice shadows!

  11. It's been cool and dry up here in Maine so people are spending time outside enjoying the nice weather.

    Seeing your photos of NYC makes me miss it so much -- the hot, muggy weather and all. I miss the energy, the social life, my old neighborhood, friends, etc.

  12. Ha ha, Alexa. Funny! I’m guessing she hung them up here.

  13. Lovely benches, I like to photograph benches too.

    Lovely and lonely benches


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.