Monday, February 1, 2010

mellow Yellow Monday

This is Astor Wine and Spirits. If there's
something you've tasted in Europe and you'd 
like to enjoy here—let's say, for
example, Pineau des Charentes (a fave
from France) or Aperol (essential for
concocting the quintessential Venetian spritz)—
I promise you can find it in this well-stocked emporium.

[See more mellow yellow here.]


  1. it was very interesting to enlarge this & be able to check out some of these labels up close.

  2. How about that awful 'Cynar,' the artichoke liqueur? I hate it, but am curious if they carry it....someone must like it!

  3. Definitely the place to shop on a Monday morning. Nice MYM find.

  4. aww nice :) now I know where to look for one if need be!

    u may view mine here

  5. Bibi -- of course they have Cynar. $22 a bottle. (And I'm with you—yuch.)


  6. [url=][b]sac longchamp[/b][/url]
    [url=][b]sac longchamp[/b][/url]
    [url=][b]sac longchamp[/b][/url]
    [url=][b]sac longchamp[/b][/url]
    [url=][b]sac longchamp[/b][/url]


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.