Wednesday, February 17, 2010

abc wednesday - E is for "empty"

Actually, I'm sure these frames are empty on purpose.
I took this shot in Bordeaux, while I was on the 
best press trip EVER (to the Bordeaux Wine Festival, but the
city went so far above and beyond that for us lucky
journalists)!  This shot was taken in Bordeaux's Museum
of Contemporary Art, housed in an old 
wine warehouse (of course).

[See more takes on "E" here.]


  1. I am so blushing. Those all show the exact same image I see on looking in the mirror.

    I would have liked to have been a fact checker on your journalistic endeavor, Alexa. “Hints of violets in this wine tasting note. Really? Must give this another sip to verify."

  2. That does sound like an enjoyable press trip, Alexa! I wonder if the grapes felt the same way about the press...

  3. Empty frames...somehow that sound like a surrealist would have fun with that. Clever shot and good use of 'E'!

  4. They are sure making a statement, that is creativity is all about getting something out of nothing

  5. Have to agree with Tall Gary, I see the same image when looking in the mirror!! Sounds like a delightful trip with great memories, Alexa! Great shot for the day!


  6. I could use some of those empty frames: I've got lots of photographs screaming to be let out of their virtual world!

  7. Shell reminded me (thanks Shell: great pun) that (is it because of the perks?) it is not easy getting a foot in the door working for the wine press.

  8. Yes, Shell—a worthy pun! And some good linkage from TG. Thanks, all, for stopping by. BTW, I got to stop for a bit in Paris on my way home too—can you stand it?

  9. wow, lucky you Alexa! Can I come next time too?
    This is a neat shot for today's E.

  10. It's hard to tell whether they are sitting there waiting to be filled (or discarded) or whether they have been carefully arranged as an exhibit.

  11. A treasure trove of empty frames! I have pictures which could fill them!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  12. cool shot! It becomes what you want it to be, just like an empty canvas.

  13. Attractive in their emptiness, oddly. - Ramblin' with Roger

  14. Rather strange collection but fascinating to think about. Nice post!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.