Friday, February 26, 2010

skywatch Friday

My favorite PTDD is visible from lots
of spots in the city. Always a nice
surprise to look up and see it off
in the distance. This was shot
from lower Broadway—at least 40
(probably more like 50) blocks south.

[See more Skywatch pix here.]


  1. Gosh, all those blocks and it looks so close! Nice shot.

  2. Great shot, I like the Chrysler Building, a beautiful morning in NYC.

  3. Very nice shot! Chrysler Building is one of the symbols of your city and it looks very beautiful between light and shadows.

  4. Great shot of the Chrysler Building! Glad to have found your blog through SWF. As a Brit living in NY I am enjoying exploring a city I love! Hope you're enjoying the snow :)

    (My SWF is up too).

  5. PTDD!

    Sorry I'm late ~ to think I nearly missed one of my own favourite Pointy-Topped Doo-Dads. A beautiful glimpse, Alexa! Though I don't get to see the real life version, I always get a kick out of seeing it in TV shows and movies {and not the least, here.}


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.