Sunday, August 31, 2008

the party's over

But it was rockin' while it lasted!  It was held in this barn
(owned by the Lone Sharks' bass player, and set up as the
perfect funky party space).  Those guys play all the time,
and when they don't have another gig—they play anyway!
No wonder they're so good.


  1. "Turn out the lights, the party's over...they say that all good things must end...."

    Well, this is certainly a photo I can relate to. Merci. I believe I see Ludwig drums, acrolite snare, with a DW snare stand. Can't make out the pedals. Maybe a Cobra on the bass drum and a Pearl hi-hat. If I only had a dime for every time I've torn down and set up the kit. I'm sure your bro can relate to that.

    You know, Alexa, your photo reminds me of my previous house and my "barn-garage." What is a "barn-garage" you ask? It was a 2 1/2 stall oversized garage with a huge loft. Yeah, the whole thing looked like a giant sized Dairy Queen. The previous owner actually had a kiln up there and made her own dolls. Kind of eerie up there too seeing all the doll body parts lining the walls in wire baskets. That said, I miss the old loft and all the storage space therein. It was my studio for a short time until I moved into a house with a better floor plan (circa 1965).

    Now, I've got a small 10x12 room in the basement for my kit...yeah, I guess the party is over. The kids use my practice room most of the time anyway and like to hide the drumsticks from Daddy.

    Well young lady! Welcome back from your beach blanket bingo party! Seriously, thanks for including us in all your fun. What a glorious place to frequent. ;-)

  2. Hi Alexa, I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I'm trying to limit my blog time but it ain't easy! Too many nice people to talk to. Coltrane_lives, for one.

    I'm glad you had a good visit with PHX Lynn. I knew you would. I had the same experience with Katie--we spent nearly two days together and never ran out of good conversation. Carrie, Pont Girl and Tall Gary joined us for part of the time and it couldn't have been more delightful.

    Could it be that Paris is enough of a similar interest? I don't think so. But maybe the people who stick with PDP are people who love the arts, humor, reading, writing and the kind of community PDP is. We can be guaranteed good company when getting together, I think.

    Enough. Hello, good night. You're a lovely soul.

  3. Believe me, I'm only too happy to share!

    coltrane -- well, you know I had you in mind when I posted this one. This barn used to house pheasants (one step up from a chicken coop?). Your barn-garage sounds pretty cool, actually. My daughter would have loved it—she used to photograph doll parts back in her angst-ridden adolescence. And btw, my bro also has a small room in his basement, where he practices and jams.

    Petrea -- thanks for that comment. You're right—it may start with Paris, but it's definitely much more. Such a great bunch of people. It IS hard to find the time (it's 1:30 am right now), but at least I no longer wonder what I'll do with the extra hours if I ever do retire. ;~}


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.