Tuesday, August 19, 2008

do you recognize this?

Eric's great photo and all that train talk on
Paris Daily Photo yesterday inspired this post.
I love trains, maybe because both grandfathers
and several uncles worked for the railroad.


  1. Last year I took a train from Washington DC to New York and back and it was a nice trip.
    It was not as fast as the TGV but it left in time, arrived in time, both ways. The stations were just like little cities for their own, perfectly clean and pleasant.
    I loved that white-haired inspector who looked so British in his uniform.
    And I was amazed of the system of little cards he placed over our heads after checking us, in France, they would never have stayed in place ! Either for fun of for cheating, someone would have mixed them !!!

  2. or for cheating
    of course, not totally awake I suppose.

  3. Are those saxophones with the bari in the middle? Honk, honk honk zhrewwwhhhaaahhhhhh!
    I do love planes, trains, and Smart cars!;-)

  4. Alexa...here in deer country Midwest USA you'll see cars with small "horn" devices similar to those in your photo mounted on front bumpers to keep the deer away. Does this choo choo's crown serve a similar purpose? If not to alert deer, then perhaps to keep away the Lush Bimbaughs of the world. BIDDA BOOM! or cows! Sorry LLV! ;-)

  5. I love trains and subways too.

    I think it's because I was traumatized by the expenses of owning an old car when I was a poor college student. When it broke down, it would cost an arm and a leg to fix and then I would have to worry about how I was going to pay my rent.

  6. I've never owned a car. Love trains, but have a real love/hate relationship with the subway.
    coltrane -- you make me think of Jim
    My cousin lives in the country and has something in her car that emits a signal only the deer can hear, apparently. I've seen them bolt from it (best that they go away from you rather than in front of you, eh?).


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.