Monday, August 25, 2008

Lincoln Center . . .

. . . is a total construction zone right now.  But the
Met goes on.  I'm not the biggest opera fan ever,
but I sure would love to be at the 125th Anniversary
Gala next March (and—gift givers, take note— it takes
place on the eve of my birthday).  Yeah, that'll happen.


  1. Alexa, that would be cool for you to go on your birthday. I'm sure the tickets wouldn't be cheap, but I could sound the rally cry in blogland and start a birthday grant-a-wish fund for you. Just say the word. You sure you wouldn't want to go to the Village VanGuard instead and check out Roy Haynes and company? ;-) BTW...a love for opera (and Oprah) took a while to grow on me. Having attended countless opera recitals in music college at Univ North TX, I actually began to not dislike opera. Some entertaining ones I recall were Prokofiev's "Love of Three Oranges", Puccini's "La Boheme" (also see RENT...more fun), and Mozart's "The Magic Flute." Those three for some reason stick out in my mind. Really dig RENT. And of course, my favorite musical "Les Miz." Go figure. I could see that over and over and over and I have. ;-)

  2. I'm not an opera fan either but I have enjoyed a few performances at the Lincoln Center over the years, courtesy of a friend who has season tickets and was not able to make the performances.

  3. ming -- lucky you to have friends with too much money and too little time.

    coltrane -- I actually did see Roy Haynes once, not at the Vanguard, but down the street at Sweet Basil's. I was with my brothers, and Chris (the drummer) kept mumbling "I am not worthy. I am not worthy." He pointed out to us the way Haynes held the drumsticks—very softly, with perfect ease and yet perfect control.
    And when Lila was in elementary school, one of her best friends was one of the Cosettes (there are always three & they rotate performances), so of course we saw the show. And we got to go backstage and climb around on the "barricades." Are you envious??

  4. Moi, jealous??? Extremely so, but thanks for sharing your memories. :-)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.