Monday, August 11, 2008

my fave subway musician

This guy is good! Well, he's actually ONE of
my favorites, because there's also the guitarist
at my local stop and the drummer at Penn Station . . .


  1. This photo is so alive that I can almost hear the music...and no it's not "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." Nice capture and I'm certain he entertained many. He looks lively for sure.

    Alexa, BTW...I forgot to mention that I saw the NYC underwear Cowboy on TV the other night. I thought of your photo of him immediately. High fives!

  2. coltrane -- thanks (and yes, I put a buck in his bucket). I'm exactly sure what this guy was playing, but it wasn't Saint Saens' Danse Macabre. Electric violin—what a concept!

  3. Hi,

    This is a great photo of my friend Michael Schulman. He is not only a good musician but also a nice person. Next time you see him, if you want, you can put a copy of your photo of him in his bucket - I bet that would be a nice surprise for him.
    I play the musical saw in the subway. If you happen to run into me - come and say 'hi'!

    All the best,

    Saw Lady

  4. saw lady -- thanks so much for telling me who this is! I'll definitely give your talented friend Michael some photos when i see him, and I'll look out for you too.

  5. How cool for one of his friends to see him on your blog! You need to hand out cards with your web address on it, Alexa. I hope we get to see the Saw Lady next.

  6. Wow, he looks so cool. Love the hair, the shoes, the jeans and the violin. Where did you see him? Was it in Brooklyn?

  7. Ignore my question! I need to learn to read the entire post before commenting.

    I will have to go to Penn Station to check him out.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.