Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Challenge — "love"

In a photo taken last summer in one of Manhattan's
Upper East Side pocket parks, I found the
literal solution to this week's photo challenge.

[To see more "love," visit the Thursday Photo Challenge.]


  1. Robert Indiana (the artist).

    “♫What the World Needs Now...♪♫” Yes. More and more.

    Good start.

    May the love you have and share last as long as this steel sculpture.

  2. Yes, how true what Tall Gary said. I've got a shot of this from somewhere else in NY city. They're all over, I guess.

    (Am I the only one not liking the new WV format, all black and white and I think often hard to read?)

  3. TG -- Right back at'cha.
    Bibi -- There's another, bigger one on 6th Avenue in the 50s. As for the WV format, no you're not—I hate it.

  4. I remember there being one of these in Philadelphia when I was in college. I always loved it.
    ; )

    I concur about the WV too-I had to try 3 times before I could get my last comment published!

  5. Always a wonderful reminder of what's important.

    [I don't like the new WV either]


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.