Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

This shot was taken by my daughter Lila,
on Fire Island (where there are no cars and, 
therefore, lots of bikes). When I remarked that 
this would be perfect for Shadow Shot Sunday, she 
said, "That's what I thought when I took it, 
and I don't even have a blog—see 
what you've done to me!"

[See more shadow shots here.]


  1. That's funny, shadow shot Sunday is contagious! Great photo!

  2. It gets under one's skin, doesn't it! This is another gorgeous photo from Lila.

  3. Yay for Lila! That's a cool photo and a cute story! I really like the idea of an island without cars :)

  4. Like mother, like daughter! Great shot, Alexa, and I agree with Harriet that an island without cars would be perfect!

  5. Telle mère, telle fille !! C'est vrai qu'une île sans voiture c'est très agréable, Porquerolles en Méditerranée, Sark dans les Iles anglo-normandes.

  6. What a lovely daughter U have to think of mum's meme.

    Perfect shot!

    Happy SSS...

  7. Great shot...runs in the family, I guess. I love your daughter's comment!

  8. lovely shot - and snap my shot this week is also of Fire Island!!

  9. I love how you see only part of the bike.

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Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.