Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

This little shed is near my cousin's house down
in Virginia. I've fantasized about moving in a
big brass bed, antique rug, and pretty curtains
for the little windows—and turning it into my
own cozy retreat. Guess it'll have to have
electricity too, since it seems I'm no longer
capable of living without my computer for
more than a few hours at a time. :~}

[See more Shadow Shots here .]


  1. I can see you in this shed, Alexa, with the redecorating you've described. I hope this is a tornado-free zone. Take your red shoes just in case.

  2. What a great little shed. Just what we need for a bit "me time". I'm with you electricity would have to be must.

  3. A little peaceful hideaway, wouldn't that be nice though?

  4. Beautiful wee house, lovely photo, and your plan sounds wonderful. It would make a brilliant retreat.

  5. That would make an awesome little retreat! And yes, you would need electricity! I certainly would! Have a great week :)

  6. shadowy retreat
    sheltered under giant trees
    waiting there for me

    Shadowy St. Whoever

  7. Je veux la même !!! Sans tornade et avec de l'électricité !!!

  8. Alexa, the colors and shadows in this shot are mesmerizing. The horizontal lines are so sharp.

    Oh, and this would be a perfect get-away (with electricity)!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.