Monday, July 7, 2008

ride and learn

On the way home from the airport, I rode in one
of those cabs with a TV (good for taking 
your mind off the cabbie's nutso driving) and I
learned that you can polo on elephants. Who knew?
Have Charles and the boys heard about this?


  1. Cabs going mod with TV screens? Who'd a thunk it? Actually, Alexa, I've never considered that one before, and as you say it does take your mind off the cabby's stellar driving skills. I could count on one, okay maybe two hands and one foot, the number of times I've taken a cab in ma vie. Three times when my car was towed from the University campus for parking in the wrong spot [go figure...and no it wasn't the wheelchair spot], but that was several years ago. Is the $7.30 in the lower rh corner your cost at that paricular part of the ride, or is that related to a TV viewing charge?'s amazing you got the clarity you did from a moving TV screen. Bravo!

  2. coltrane -- I like your new photo, btw.
    $7.30 is the fare, which by the time we arrived in front of my building amounted to $25. So if you want to know how far I was from the airport at that point -- well, obviously I was $7.30 away.

  3. Wow. I've actually seen real polo, live, before. I was getting my BA in Santa Barbara, and in nearby Montecito (moue) was a polo club. On Sunday afternoons, they had practice matches that they allowed the hoi polloi to watch for free from the bleachers. Great for picnics. But I digress... I think elephants would simultaneously slow down the action and make it more dangerous! And mister, I hope you have one long polo stick there...

  4. I've only seen one Polo Match in my life, but with elephants? Yikes!

    TV's in cabs, very cool!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.