Saturday, July 12, 2008

new neighbors

Came out yesterday morning, and found my
neighbors staring up at my window. This
beautiful cardinal couple has built a nest in
the tree just beneath it. As you can see, my cat
Buddy is fascinated with his new neighbors.
They're just a tad less enthusiastic about him!

(btw, tomorrow I'll be at the Internet void that
is . . . my mom's house, so I'm following uselaine's
instructions for posting ahead. wish me luck.)


  1. I had never seen such a bird, not sure we get some in France.
    Nice pic anyway, I love the way your cat seems to be trying to hypnotize the bird !
    BTW I was wondering : do we have to wish you luck for your next posts or for being at your mom's house ? ......LOL

  2. Alexa, I always love to see a cardinal (usually in pairs) and hear their song...that is unless they are wearing a Cardinal's baseball uniform. Great shot! If you haven't already, you should check out Abe's photos of birds at Brookville Ohio Daily Blog. He is a master with the winged creatures. You are exceptional with the camera yourself. May your cat be kind to them. :-) Merci!

  3. Sad to think that there are no cardinals in France.

    coltrane -- but don't you live in St. Louis? If so, not from there originally, eh?
    Fortunately, the kitty can only look.

  4. I know how the kitty feels . . .

    I had no idea they were usually found in pairs, but they are a handsome couple.

  5. Enjoy your weekend at your mama's place. Get some good home cooked food. Include photos when appropriate. :-)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.