Tuesday, July 1, 2008

window pain

Love this shattered window (taken from the place
where I used to work). What you see is the West
Side and the Hudson River.


  1. I love this picture !
    Hard to explain what it brigns to my mind but It's just like a painting, no Impressionnist no "pointillisme" (sorry I can't say that in English, meaning Seurat's style).
    Alexa, you just invented a new figurative style !
    Maybe without knowing it, like Monsieur Jourdain in the French theater !

  2. marylene --
    Ah, yes, Monsieur Jourdain -- played by Moliere himself in the original production! (This is one of the very few things I remember from my studies at the Sorbonne, such a looooong time ago.)
    I'm so glad to hear you like this picture, because it's one of my favorites. Maybe I should get a piece of glass like a windscreen from a car, shatter it like this, and take all my photos through it. I'll call this new style "fracassisme."

  3. Alexa, very clever. That's quite an excellent view (I would imagine even more so when the window was not shattered)...all which begs the question, 'How did the window get shattered?' In any case, cool effect.

  4. What an artistic idea. Very nice effect.

  5. coltrane -- btw, it happened while they were building the building, and left that way since it wasn't in a very public space (and kind of a production number to fix it).


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.