Monday, July 21, 2008

giant cupcake day

Yes, we do this kind of bake-sale stuff in NYC too. 
 Only we judge it before we eat it.
This was at work, to benefit CARE. The entry in the foreground
wasn't the big winner, but it was my fave. Go Knicks! 
 (And Liberty—those women can really play some b-ball!)


  1. Now I am craving cupcakes. Were they as delicious as they look?

  2. Now see, I would probably have chosen that green hill with the apple tree.

  3. I loved cupcakes when I was little, but I'm big now; and yet I see big cupcakes. Hmm. I also see basketball paraphernalia. They must have been thinking of tall people. Hmm.

    But, no. I'm going for that dying-to-be-picked, juicy apple over there on the green hill.

  4. Yummy, I love cupcakes.
    Your last post was so funny too-LOL. How could they not know!

  5. Hmm...I wonder how many people it will take to finish that HUGE cupcake?

  6. from cali -- yes!

    tall g -- you shoulda been there. these things were just made for tall cupcake-loving connoisseurs like you.

    ming -- actually, about 6.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.