Wednesday, May 26, 2010

abc wednesday - S is for "spices"

Mmmmm—fragrant and enticing in any
language. And I love the artful way these are 
displayed in this little shop near the
Rialto Market, in Venice.

[Find more abc wednesday shots (or play
along yourself) here.]


  1. Oh my gosh! This is so great! I really hope to see something like this, too!

    I have two entries for ABC Wednesday, you can check it out HERE and HERE. Hope you could check it out, thank you so much! Happy mid-week to you.

  2. FRESH spices. always the best.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Someone's definitely enjoying themselves with the spice sculpting ~ I've never seen anything like that before!

  4. A great photo and looks yummy.

    On behalf of the ABC Wed., thanks for paticipating.

  5. Oooh...I can smell them. At first I thought they were powders for Holi Day in India. BTW, my friend and I are planning another trip eastward... Your gorgeous photo makes me all the more anxious to go!

  6. didn't see that in Italy but some others, almost as nice, in Rabat. So I though you had been in Morroco too !

  7. Thanks, everyone!

    Bibi -- lucky you!

    Marylene -- I have been in Morocco (but at the time I had no camera)!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.