Wednesday, February 4, 2015

ABC Wednesday—D is for "dragon fruit"

Seems an apt name for these funky fruits,
which were on display in Chinatown.
I've never tasted them, but I'm told they
have a very mild flavor (a bit unexpected
considering the fancy "packaging").

[To see more posts that feature the letter D, go here.]


  1. Very interesting!
    Have a great day!

  2. Цікаві фрукти! ніколи не бачила таких. Гарне фото!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

  3. When my son worked in China he introduced us to dragon fruit! I love the dotted inside, and has a taste somewhat of a sweet apple - anyways I like it very much! Thanks for the happy memory!

  4. This looks interesting, very prettily wrapped :)


  5. I really thought they were flower buds, so pretty!
    In fact nice enough to eat,
    I shall look out for them the next time we visit Chinatown in Liverpool UK.

    best wishes.
    ABCW team

  6. delightful. I thought they were flowers as well.


  7. They don't look like fruit at all. How interesting.

  8. Nice choice for D. They have pretty coloring...

  9. I've not heard of dragon fruit. Sounds intriguing!

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