Thursday, February 12, 2009

power to the people

Wouldn't it be nice if all that electricity
came from something that looks like . . .
this instead? Oh well, gotta juice the
computer to keep this up.


  1. I'm in pain. That is, my stomach hurts; from laughing. Yourself are a queen of linkage, Alexa.

    As for the main photo, where did you find the museum of contemporary art that has such a fascinating and expansive outdoor sculpture garden? (Alas, contemporary art betimes.)

    I am, of course, looking forward to Friday.

  2. Good one, Alexa and TG!

    So I have to wonder why the "Powers that Be" wish to produce burpless grass for cows rather than figuring out how to harness those valuable methane-gas burps so that we can have more of Alexa's pretty gardens and fewer of these expansive outdoor sculptures...

  3. Ha, ha! If I can't have le Palais de Luxembourg, I'd at least settle for underground cables.

  4. TG -- it's fitting that we should be talking about linkin' on Abe's 200th birthday, don't you think?

    And speaking of links . . . burpless grass???
    This is probably our tax dollars at work (though I admit I'd rather pay for that than for war.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.