Friday, February 27, 2009

Astor Place

This is Tony Rosenthal's sculpture "Alamo," installed here
at Astor Place in 1967 (btw, a VERY good year).  These kids
came along, and the girls had a hard time convincing their
friend that he could move this huge thing.

But he turned out to be a good sport 
and gave it a push—and voila!


  1. If the guy over-exerted himself and ripped out a seam on the seat of his pants, he might later have been heard to say, "Astor Place is the place my ass tore so I tore ass to a pants store."

    I love interactive "prepositional" art like this. I was messing around with a largish, rusty-iron sculpture near Angel's Flight in L.A. and got a huge "blong!" out of it when I pushed into some give. Unlike yours here, I think maybe I broke it. No, um, that wasn't me. It was, uh, some um stranger guy. Yeah, that's it. It was a stranger. Never saw him before or since. No, wait a minute, I didn't see anyone. I wasn't even there. Yeah. That's the way it was. I mean wasn't.

  2. Did you leave that message at 10:05 am your time or mine (i.e., o' dark-thirty your time). If the latter, then I am doubly impressed that you can be oh so witty at such an hour! (Actually, I'm impressed—and amused—by said wit at any hour.)
    It would be funny if this kid stumbled upon himself here, wouldn't it?

  3. Ditto to what Alexa said, TG!

    Nice pics, Alexa, and perhaps you can find us some "adverbial" art as well?


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.