Tuesday, February 17, 2009

tops and bottoms . . .

. . . bottoms and tops. Passed this store in Soho yesterday.
It was closed (maybe for good? hard to tell exactly). But I
love the vibe of this place.


  1. Alexa...this is freaky. You and MR. PDP are definitely on some weird wavelength...you're beginning to think alike. Not that this is a bad thing. lol

  2. Coltrane, I was half expecting Twilight Zone music from you ...

    Quite spooky, Alexa! I love your photo. And these store people are much neater than Eric's. Though perhaps the shop closure could have something to do with their customer service motto, presented in 3D at the back wall of your photo...

  3. Like Mr. Coltrane the Man says: Who needs Eric as a Valentine, Alexis (Valentine's Day is ancient history now anyway), when it's like there is a radio in Brooklyn and another radio way over in Paris which are both tuned to the same station and the two listeners are slow dancing to the same music?

  4. Oh, hello. Speaking of dancing, it's my old dancing partner, Shell Sherree. When you mentioned your height at PDP today I thought of my grandmother who was something like 4'10" and how I may have inherited a genetic attraction for short women from my tall Dutch grandfather.

  5. {Well, speaking of blushing, Tall Gary... I do have a whole four inches on your dear grandmother, though. I think the rack is working.}

  6. Shell Sherree: Silly me. At first I didn't realize that you were talking about the kind of inquisition tool we might find in this book by Alexandre Dumas or the movie, but something else entirely more pleasurable. Regardless of the size, it would be sure to work on me.

  7. I echo the others' comments about PDP. Mannequins always scare me a little.

  8. Not for nuthin', TG—I'm 5'2" and shrinking.

  9. Oh, but the synchronicity just keeps on building. First I have to own up on not being exactly conversant with common NYC street slang. Because of that I checked on the exact meaning of the phrase you used, Alexa, just to avoid any possible misunderstandings.

    This is what I got (with special note on the last sentence under #2).

    Hmm. If you it bothers you that you are shrinking, Alexa, maybe you should talk to Shell Sherree about getting a better rack. Just kidding.

    There's this guy that said it for me (even shorter).

  10. Oh darn, Alexa, I didn't want to hear that ... surely shrinking is an urban legend? There's only so much a rack can do.

    TG, that explanatory link is a bit uncanny! There's that Twilight Zone music again.

  11. TG (Shell too) -- nuthin' wrong with my rack! (if you don't take gravity into account, and as for me—I spit on gravity!).
    TG -- once again, where DO you find this stuff?? (I was rather struck by the last sentence under #1, as the rack looms rather large—so to speak—here in Brooklyn). Sorry, Barry, I used to be 5'3" and I tried real hard to stand up straight, but . . .

  12. I wonder what the world would think if they saw you two and me walking down the street together, me in the middle, standing tall (or would I be leaning over and dribbling?).

  13. Hopefully they would be entranced by Alexa and I "Singing in the Rain" while you do a mighty fine soft shoe shuffle.

  14. Sorry for the tardy reply
    but in a moment, you'll see why!

    TG, you did so well ... but I couldn't let us wear those belted T-shirts, so I took the liberty of making a little something more fashionable for us all. The only way I could think to show you was here. {I hope you like leopard print, Alexa. For the record, I think I gave you the nicer outfit!}


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.