Wednesday, February 18, 2009

some day my prince will come . . .

. . . or maybe it's my dinner!  Saw these 
frogs on Mott St., in Chinatown. 

Next thing I knew, a young Chinese woman reached 
into the barrel and fished out this unlucky fellow 
(and a few of his friends).  I asked her what she
 was going to do with him.  If I thought she was 
going to impart some culinary wisdom I was soon 
put in my place.  Her answer: "Eat him!"


  1. Eat him? That woman must not like the sound of frogs singing.

  2. I got really curious so I went back to Lilly's and ordered one of their frog dishes. When it arrived at the table the aroma was so good I just leaned over and kissed it, which was a bad idea. You have no idea how much of this I had to have them put in a doggie bag for me to take home.

  3. I too have eaten frog's legs,but am now saddened that I did.

    Didn't anyone else think this photo looks like the frog is wearing a wedding veil? Maybe her prince had come, except it was that lady who bought her....oh.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.