Friday, November 9, 2012

Skywatch Friday

Took this shot from my window Wednesday
night. We're still trying to clean up from
Hurricane Sandy and there are lots of people still
without heat and power.  Yo, Mother Nature!—did
we really need a snowy Nor'easter on top of all that?

[To see more Skywatch pics, go here.]


  1. Wow, I love this photo!! I'm hoping you have utilities and are warm and safe!

  2. Just beautiful but terrible timing. Hope the repairs keep going swiftly and all have heat back very quickly!

  3. Gorgeous shot - but I'm shivering as I think of all those without power.

  4. Oh, boy. I hope with this latest bout she has it out of her system for a while, Alexa. Thinking of all those in need and hoping it comes quickly.

  5. Give me gloomy feeling but wonderfully captured. Hope everything will be back to normal soon.

  6. Great shot. I hope you and you're family are ok. My sister's house in NY is still without power.

    Happy sky watching.

    Double Rainbow

  7. How beautiful. I'm glad you emerged from hurricane Sandy unscathed. Stay warm!

  8. I know, right? what is with mother nature these days???

  9. Beautiful picture you took but I am really concern also for the terrible storm it has caused all of you.

    Are you okay and your close neighbours?

  10. Love the picture but I hate the timing of the storm that provided you this scene.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.