Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ABC Wednesday—M is for "Mindo"

Recently spent a couple of days in this
little town in the Ecuadorian cloud forest,
a couple of hours from Quito.  It's a wonderful
place to just chill in a hammock on the balcony
of your digs (where I was when I took this
shot of Mindo's main drag) or to experience
a pure adrenaline rush—ziplining, anyone?

[To see more ABC posts, go here.] 


  1. no ziplining, thank you!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Great photo, Alexa, and the colors really scream 'South America'. No ziplining, thanks....

  3. Interesting photo. I'll pass on the ziplining, tho.

  4. No ziplining? Gotta say—you guys just don't know what you're missing!

  5. Hey, I’m in. I always thought the zip-line in Shinjuku Chuo Park was too short (and low). This looks like a gas. Uh, on second thought...

  6. Just so you know, TG—there are two ziplining outfits in Mindo, and after some serious research we went with the other one. And now I'm even more glad I did!

  7. I am, myself, known for my own zip lines. That’s what they tell me. They tell me, at all of my pick-up lines—“Zip it!”

  8. Did that photo go through Mobile Monet? -Jesse

  9. Hi, Jesse! No—I discovered some fun settings on my camera. (But I put those apps on my phone.)

  10. Love the treatment on this photo! The colors are gorgeous -)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.