Saturday, May 21, 2011

locks of love

I've seen these in Italy and on the Pont des Arts
 in Paris.  But I thought the rose was a nice
touch on these locks up on the Brooklyn Bridge
(where you need a strong arm to toss the key from
the center of the bridge over the roadway and
into the water). You can tell that the lock on the
left wasn't put there by an American, since
the date is written day/month/year.


  1. I’m pretty sure that rose came from this trellis.

    Knowing your affection for both John Singer Sargent and Venice I thought of you yesterday, too, when I was navigating around a John Singer Sargent site and saw that he had done a number of oils and watercolors of Venice (speaking of Italy). One example here (as we bridge to sighs).

    A number of pages specific to Venice here.

    Natasha Wallace’s JSS site frontpage here.

  2. Welcome back, TG! Glad to read your comments as always.
    First I thought the rose was coming for my garden but I wasn't in NY at that time..

  3. The rose makes it especially photogenic. I'd write the date that way. But it wasn't me.

    TG, lovely to see you as always!

  4. What is the meaning/purpose of these locks? Is it a recent phenomenon?
    Isn't it somehow more logical to write day/month/year? We (UK) use 1st January or January 1st pretty much indiscriminately, but if the year is included I think we'd always go for day-month-year.

  5. Hi Marylène! Thank you for your kind words. It’s good to “see” you again.

    Roses and wisterias: Can I be forgiven for seeing your garden in my mind’s eye thus? Perhaps near this street? With you preparing to feed some hungry, open-mouthed vases?

    Hi Shell! You know, I can’t look at J.S.S’s water colors without thinking of yours. (Please don’t let on to our Mr. Sargent whom between you two I am most fond of).

  6. Like my mother would say - you do not miss a trick miss Alexa!

    & I love seeing these symbols of love.

  7. Great linkage—I can never get enough of JSS!

  8. What a wonderful capture of of familiar gesture in Paris, found so near your home... Love this and those links from Tall Gary.



Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.