Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo Hunter — "public"

Given these two choices of public transportation—
the New York subway or the Venetian vaporetto—I'll 
choose the one I'm not forced to ride every day!

[You can see more of this "public" challenge here.]


  1. I don’t know. There’s a lot to be said for subways. But, as you say—given the choice...

    On second thought, I think I’ll join you on Actv 6. The food, the people, the hanging lamps: sounds like a ball.

  2. I always use public transportation to go downtown. Just nowhere to park!

  3. great take on this weeks' theme.

  4. Nice compare and contrast! Both are fun to me (since I only use these when I'm on vacation) but you just can't beat the views from the vaporetto...

  5. me too! can you imagine taking this to work everyday?
    & I'm surprised they don't have more ferries up & down the Hudson too.

  6. We all need those two transportation. But haven't ride a train yet ^_^


  7. I wish we had reliable public transportation in Mobile. In Paris, I'll take the Métro or bus, would love to try le Velo. But when in Rome.... well, when in Venice, I loved the vaporetto!

  8. Give me the views from the vaporetto any day. Mmm.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.