Wednesday, March 11, 2015

ABC Wednesday—I is for inimitable**

**though many have tried—and also for "I miss Eric!"
 (seen here shooting his lunch at Circonstances, 

a great Paris restaurant, last September).
This would have been the 10th anniversary of his 

inoubliable (unforgettable) blog, Paris Daily Photo, the
very first of the genre and the one that inspired me
(and sooo many others) to start blogging.
Eric put up his final PDP post last New Year's Eve.
As much as I miss my daily dose of Paris as seen through
the eyes (and pen) of this "friendly Parisian,"
I so admire Eric for making a bold move and wish him 

wonderful new adventures on his sunny island!

[To see more ABC posts, go here.]


  1. I miss his daily photos too. Hope more people take up the habit like you have.

  2. Inimitable, indeed !! They broke a very special after they made Eric ~ a genuine one of a kind. And you've captured him wonderfully here, ma chère ~ I hope he eats more meals while they are still piping hot now that he doesn't have to pause for a photo op !

  3. PS: To clarify, I meant pausing so he can take photos of his meals for PDP ~ not pausing for your photo ! :)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.