Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Weekend in Black and White

Across the street from the UN is "The King," of the
Olmec civilization of Mexico, considered the
"mother culture" of Mesoamerica because of its
achievements in science, mathematics, astronomy,
architecture—and sculpture. This statue is a
replica; the original dates to 1200–900 B.C.

[To see more monochromes, visit Dragonstar's meme.]


  1. The Olmecs had a high regard (as do I) for Jaguars. There is a saying I came across, when a university student, in a Michael D. Coe book: The jaguar is a dweller of the forests, of crags, of water; noble, princely, it is said. It is the lord, the ruler of the animals. It is cautious, wise, proud.”

    The concept of nahual is also fascinationg and its adjunct of tonal.

    This PDF looks interesting but I have done no more than superficially glance at the first page or two.

    With old interests such as this you can understand my surprise and delight to see your stone Olmec sculpture right there in your hometown of New York! What a city!

  2. I forgot to mention that we were told in a Pre-Columbian art class that there was a word for “speckledness” that applied to both the patterns of a jaguar’s fur and also the speckledness of the starry night sky.

    Hey, maybe Van Gogh’s nahual was a Jaguar.

  3. Impressive stone face. Nicely composed photo.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dang. Link above got messed up.

    This is a beautiful face. Here is a photo of his Indian cousin.

  6. Impressive photo! Interesting how a human face grabs our attention.


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.