Tuesday, January 10, 2012

That's Our World

At the very front of the triangular Flatiron Building
is a space that's used for art installations.
This is "Hypergraphia: The Cup Drawings," by
Gwyneth Leach.  Glad I passed by while it was still up.

[To see more of our world, go here.]


  1. I hear this has been optioned as a movie by the noted director Francis Ford Cupola

  2. My first hazy impression was that you guys must have a lot of neato, cool-daddyo coffee shops what with those cups they have. Then I checked out your link and found out that Gwyneth Leach created the drawings on all of them. That is so beyond cool, Miles Davis is blown’ in his grave, wishing he could dump his nasty, insulting ceramic and go paper.

    My favorite is the largest one: the swirly, sea-green, black-tear-droppy drawing at the toppish left.

    Oh oh, gotta split. I think I might hear him coming now.

  3. Those are really pretty. I have too many mugs...I could contribute.

  4. I love the cup installation! Thanks for sharing:)

  5. This is great! I just saw some elegant fashions made of recycled materials in the E Concourse of the Atlanta airport. (I'll send you a photo when I return)

    We are going to have to have a joint trip to Paris... Think about it.


  6. That's very interesting! A sort of cup mobile??


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.