Saturday, December 17, 2011

New York at Night (16)

Yikes! I need to get out there
and take some pictures.
Meanwhile, here's one from
the other evening from my office: my
favorite NYC building, taken at
my favorite time of day—l'heure bleu.


  1. Oh my favorite too... And I know that you see it every day, lucky you! In the same area I like the General Electric Building too.

  2. Wow. That spire now looks less like a Himalayan pagoda than it apparently did in 1930.

    After a significant amount of time devouring your photo with my eyes I noticed the windows, and became curious as to what transpired behind them a few years ago. So what is at the very apex? Check out No. 6 here; or is that No. 1 and No. 2?

    But, really, what is it like in there?

    I imagine the top interior something like this, but, alas, not so...

    Just some nice general photos here.

  3. If I visited you, Alexa, could you smuggle me into work as your intern? I can't quite imagine looking out the window and seeing this sight. Gorgeous. And may I exclaim, "Pointy-topped Doo-dad!?"

  4. No need to go out when you can get beauties like that from right where you are.

  5. I might have known that the four of you would appreciate my view (though I do have to leave my little cubicle and go into the conference room for it). And may I say, that is some primo linkage, TG! (Far I can tell, Dr. Weiss is still up there in his aerie.)


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.