Friday, December 16, 2011

Skywatch Friday

Last week I sang the praises of the window seat.
Well, here's a window shot of the night sky and
bright lights of Manhattan.  The dark rectangle
in the middle is Central Park. (We were soon to
come in for a landing and yes, the camera was
supposed to be turned off—but come on!)

[To see more Skywatch, go here.]


  1. It is always better to be an Alexa than an Alec.

    I love the gold-on-black design of your photo. It’s like Whistler was trying to do a geometric abstraction of one of his nocturnes while talking to Klimt on his smart phone.

    What would he call it? “Corruscating Gotham Gold Night Music”?

  2. It sparkles! {As does TG's wit.} That's something I'd love to see in person someday.

  3. What a view you've captured :0) Great shot :0)

  4. Well captured :D I posted something similar.

  5. Right! I would have done the same. :-)


  6. If the camera were turned off you would not have this lovely image. Some days you just have to bend the rules a bit. Very nicely captured. Have a blessed week-end.

  7. Photographers are such rule breakers. My window seat shots are never this good!

  8. Yeah, I've done some sneak shots thru the window, too...I actually never even thought about my camera being an 'electronic' piece of equipment... Glad you took this!

  9. Gorgeous view! The wing(?) at the top of the photo looks like an arm/hand reaching out.

  10. For many on that flight there was the anticipation of this wonderful city. For you, it looks like home. It is about our perspectives.

    Wonderful shot and glad that you bent the rules a bit. Well, at least you weren't playing "Words with Friends" - hah!


  11. I guess you could have put your phone on airplane mode, or do they even allow that? Either way, glad you captured this great shot!


Thanks, merci, grazie, danke, hvala, gracias, spasibo, shukran, dhanyavaad, salamat, arigato, and muito obrigado for your much-appreciated comments.